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Our Publications

Cut Flowers:     A practical guide to their selection & care
Cut Foliage:     A practical guide to its selection & care
Houseplants:  A practical guide to their selection & care
Cut Flowers & Cut Foliage special discount price £34.00
Cut Flowers & Houseplants special discount price £34.00
Houseplants & Cut Foliage special discount price £34.00
Cut Flowers:     A practical guide to their selection & care.  Contents:
Introduction & How to use this book
New Page - Choosing Fresh Flowers for the Home
General tips on looking after your cut flowers
A botanical list of 156 cut flowers from Acacia – Zinnia including 2 new flowers
A mini floral miscellany containing:-
  Wedding anniversaries
  Rose meanings
  National flowers
  UK Saint's days
  Floral emblems of the UK
Comprehensive glossary of botanical and floristry terms
Index of common names 
Thank you’s and acknowledgements
Cut Foliage:     A practical guide to its selection & care.  Contents:
Cut flowers and foliage in the home
How to use this book
A botanical list of cut foliage from Abies – Zea
A mini foliage miscellany containing:-
    Leaf Shapes
    Glossary of botanical and floristry terms
    Index of Common Names
Thank you’s and acknowledgements
Houseplants:  A practical guide to thier selection & care.  Contents:
Introduction – Why have a houseplant?
Houseplant Care Basics
How to use this book
Botanical list from Abutilon to Zantedeschia
Houseplant Groups
Caring for Planted Designs
Composts and Repotting
Pests & Diseases
Prompt delivery. Just what my daughter needs for her Floristry course.
Mr Tipping
June 2016
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